In 2019, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, along with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and N.C. State University, conducted a native bee sampling project as a pilot survey to determine the baseline native bee diversity on four game lands, as well as the impacts prescribed fires may have on native bees. The study was organized through the North Carolina Pollinator Conservation Alliance, a partnership of more than 20 conservation organizations that supports the health and diversity of pollinators through habitat creation, protection and restoration. Alliance members identified this project as the first of several sampling efforts wildlife biologists will conduct to inform land-management decisions and guide future conservation actions.
Why are pollinators important to study?
Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants and about 35 percent of the world’s food crops depend on pollinators to reproduce.
Pollinators come in all shapes and sizes!
Pollinators are critical for the survival of plants. They vary in size from bees & beetles to butterflies & hummingbirds.
Photo Credit: Manu Nair
Only a few studies have been conducted to document how land management affects native bees, which are considered keystone species. Determining what impacts land management can have on pollinators is a crucial first step to protect, restore and create pollinator habitat throughout the state.
Due to limited resources, only 3 locations were surveyed over three years which provides a great base data collection. However, you donation could help to expand this effort and inform future land management strategies that balance habitat gains for all species.