Support Hurricane Helene Recovery

Help Rebuild Communities and Restore Lives

Hurricane Helene has caused devastating destruction in western North Carolina, leaving people without homes, access to resources. Communities are struggling. Your support is urgently needed to aid in the recovery and restoration efforts.

Please consider making a donation to help rebuild and restore our environment.

Flooded Areas

Flooding destroys homes for people, wildlife, and aquatic animals.

Photo Credit: Spike Gouge

Hatcheries Under Water

Hatcheries play a crucial role in supporting North Carolina's fisheries. The heavy rainfall from Hurricane Helene has caused significant damage in western NC, severely affecting the NCWRC Hatcheries' ability to sustain aquatic resources like trout and species of greatest conservation need.

Photo Credit: Luke Clarke


Roads and bridges have been washed away, blocked by fallen trees and mudslides, and rendered unsafe for travelers and outdoor enthusiasts.

Photo Credit: Spike Gouge

Swift Water Rescue

The Wildlife Law Enforcement's Swift Water Rescue team is tirelessly working to rescue individuals trapped in flooded areas.

Photo Credit: NCWRC