Support Land Management for Wildlife

Nearly 80% of the land mass of North Carolina is owned by private landowners. Each landowner has unique plans, goals, and objectives for their property.  Likewise, each landowner face their own unique challenges.  The Private Lands Program provides support and educational opportunities for those landowners who are interested in managing their property for the benefit of our wildlife resources.


Native Plants are Critical

Native plants support wildlife and many other species as well as mitigating climate change and protecting our most valuable natural resource, water!

Managing for Beneficial Insects

It has been well documented that pollinator populations are declining across the country.  We often hear of problems with honeybees such as tracheal mites and hive collapse, but many of our native insects face challenges as well.  No matter if you are interested in butterflies, birds, bunnies, or bucks, insects have a critical role in sustaining plant populations which provide cover, browse, and fruit production for many of your favorite species of wildlife.

Tools for Management

Regardless of how many acres you own, if you are going to manage wildlife habitat you are going to need a few tools to be effective.  This is a unique opportunity to see a wide range of habitat management tools and discuss how they fit into your management plans.  From chainsaws to no-till drills and backpack sprayers to farm tractors take this chance to think about what you might add to your habitat management toolbox as well as what to expect if you hire a contractor to do some of the work for you. 

For additional information on managing your land for wildlife contact: