Winter Fun Outdoors: Build a Nest

Embark on an enjoyable winter wildlife scavenger hunt for kids during the weekend. Download the scavenger hunt form and relish the wonders of the "wild" outdoors!

NEST Building activity

Create a bird nest just like birds do with this kids' activity that requires no glue or tape. Follow these steps to build a bird nest and discover the fascinating world of avian architecture!

Nests Protect Eggs

Nests are primarily built by birds to serve as protective structures for their eggs. The construction of nests is a vital behavior that contributes to the survival and well-being of bird offspring.

Nest Building Tools

  • Twigs and Small Branches: Many birds use twigs and small branches as the primary structural elements of their nests. You can collect small, flexible twigs to create the frame.

  • Grass and Straw: Birds often weave grass and straw into the structure to add support and insulation. Include these materials for authenticity.

  • Leaves and Moss: Some birds incorporate leaves and moss into their nests, providing additional insulation and camouflage.

  • Feathers: Feathers may be used to line the interior of the nest, providing a soft and comfortable bed for eggs and chicks.

Nest Building Steps

  1. Gather Materials: Collect the materials needed for the project. You can take a nature walk to find twigs, leaves, and other natural items. Alternatively, you can use craft materials like paper, yarn, and clay to simulate natural elements.

  2. Design the Nest: Encourage the kids to sketch or plan the design of their bird nest. Discuss the purpose of each material and how it contributes to the strength and functionality of the nest.

  3. Build the Frame: Start by creating the frame of the nest using twigs or small branches. Kids can arrange and weave them together to form the basic structure. This step mimics the way birds create a sturdy foundation for their nests.

  4. Add Grass and Straw: Integrate grass or straw into the nest, mimicking the insulation and support birds achieve with these materials. Kids can weave them through the twigs to create a cozy interior.

  5. Include Leaves and Moss: Enhance the nest by incorporating leaves and moss. Discuss how these materials provide additional camouflage and protection for the eggs and chicks.

  6. Feather Lining: Add feathers to line the interior of the nest. Discuss the importance of a soft and warm lining for the comfort of bird eggs and chicks.